Management Agreement

When you (as a property owner) enter into a legal relationship with a property management company you will need to sign a Property Management Agreement. This agreement outlines the legal terms and obligations of the relationship.


What the Property Management Agreement Can’t Tell You…

Because Property Management Agreements are written by attorneys to outline the legal relationship between the property owner and the property management company, they can’t tell you what you need to know most.

  • They can’t describe the most important parts of your new relationship– things like expertise, integrity, honesty, professionalism, communication response time, compassion, wisdom, and the list goes on.

  • These are the most important things to consider before entering into a relationship with a property management company.

  • -You are NOT entering into a transaction, as much as you are entering into a relationship. You should have confidence and trust in the person and the company who will be keeping the keys to the front door of your valuable real estate asset.

I hope this information will help you make an informed decision for your property management needs. Please consider us a resource if we can help you in any way.